How Rainforest Rescue Uses Crypto to Power Its Conservation Efforts

by | Jun 21, 2024

With countless environmental charities embracing crypto donations, it’s a perfect time to explore the positive impact that your crypto can make on conservation and sustainability efforts around the globe.

One stellar example of these innovative, crypto-friendly nonprofits is Rainforest Rescue, which is dedicated to preserving Australia’s precious rainforests.

Since 1999, the organization has been at the forefront of environmental conservation in Australia, focusing its efforts on the lush expanses of the Daintree region. It has significantly ramped up its efforts recently, almost doubling its conservation holdings in the last five years.

Why Rainforest Rescue’s Mission Makes a Difference

Rainforest Rescue has built and runs the largest nursery in the region, specifically focused on growing over 1 million trees in its first decade of operations.

This new nursery takes advantage of government incentives for landowners to perform essential restoration work, which helps mitigate climate and biodiversity crises. Through its operations, Rainforest Rescue also trains indigenous rangers and has gifted its original nursery to the regional aboriginal corporation, empowering their teams in “healing country” on their own terms.

The new nursery is not only fueling restoration in the Wet Tropics and the world’s original, most ancient rainforest, the Daintree, but is also providing jobs in both propagation and restoration. These are essential new areas for growth in a region where sugar cane is in decline and the local mill has been closed down.

Collectively, it makes for exciting times for restoration in an area that is arguably one of the most important hot spots on the planet for biodiversity. The Daintree even has its own deep-time lineage to the beginnings of flowering plants, which are still flourishing in the area but only found in the fossil record in other parts of the world.

Before and after image of a section of the Daintree Rainforest.

How Crypto Philanthropy Protects Australia’ Daintree Rainforest

With the rising value of cryptocurrencies and their increasing acceptance in mainstream financial transactions, they represent a future-focused investment—much like Rainforest Rescue’s projects.

“Crypto is a forward-looking investment, very similar to our own projects, which is why I believe it aligns so well with our mission,” said Kristina Wall, Fundraising Manager at Rainforest Rescue.

The organization saw the opportunity to accept cryptocurrency donations a few years ago, getting started with The Giving Block in 2021. Since then, Rainforest Rescue has received nearly $200,000 AUD in crypto donations.

This funding has been critical in purchasing unprotected areas for ongoing protection and supporting restoration projects, including their rainforest nursery. Wildlife and plant species that are unique to the Daintree Rainforest will benefit, with increased areas of protected habitat and the growing connectivity of formerly fragmented areas of rainforest.

“With the Climate and Biodiversity Crises in full swing, there is no time to waste. Humanity has created these problems, and this is one of the best ways to solve them – trees, and lots of them!” said Branden Barber, Rainforest Rescue CEO.

“Together we can turn the tide on this – and we’re helping to provide solutions that financial support can solve. More ex-agricultural land out of use, more biodiverse trees in the ground, more carbon from the atmosphere fixed and more habitat for the rare and threatened species to rely on for their continued survival. We can do this, with your help.”

Team of conservationists and rangers working with Rainforest Rescue.

Why the Bull Market is a Great Time to Donate Crypto

Donating via cryptocurrency is not just a passing trend. It’s evolved into a powerful movement that has raised more than $2 Billion for charitable causes to date. And it’s a practical choice for those seeking to make a big impact with their giving, too.

This year’s crypto market has resulted in a new all-time high for bitcoin and increased the valuation of many other cryptocurrencies. If you’re in profit like many other crypto investors, your donations can help you make a difference while reducing the capital gains taxes you may owe when it’s time to file your taxes.

Making a tax-efficient crypto donation can enhance Rainforest Rescue’s capabilities in areas such as:

  • Seed Collection and Nursery Operations: By funding the collection and propagation of seeds, crypto donations help build the nursery’s capacity to 150,000 trees a year.
  • Infrastructure Enhancements: Contributions can help improve irrigation systems, essential for sustaining large-scale tree growth, and fund critical infrastructural upgrades to withstand climatic events.
  • Land Restoration and Protection: Each donation supports the purchase of high conservation value lands, ensuring their protection and the biodiversity they support.

Right now, the organization’s Mid-Year 2024 fundraising campaign “It’s Time to Grow” is seeking support from individuals and projects passionate about conserving our planet’s delicate ecosystems.

Measuring The Impact of Your Crypto Donation

As the crypto market grows, so does the potential for these donations to fuel significant environmental initiatives. Every contribution, regardless of the form it takes, plays a crucial role. Here’s a look at what your crypto donation could help achieve:

  • $8,000: Enhances the nursery’s irrigation system for increased sustainability.
  • $40,000: Implements flood-resistant drainage solutions to protect restored lands.
  • $90,000: Purchases essential maintenance equipment like a tractor for ongoing land care.

Donor Tip: Look up cryptocurrencies on CoinGecko to convert these impact numbers into the value of assets in your portfolio.

An image of conservation efforts in the Diwan Nursery by Rainforest Rescue.

Ways to Give

By visiting Rainforest Rescue’s dedicated crypto donation page, donors can choose from various cryptocurrencies to support the organization’s vital work.

By choosing to donate cryptocurrency to Rainforest Rescue, you are not just supporting environmental conservation. You’re joining a progressive community investing in the health and longevity of our planet.

To join Rainforest Rescue in turning the tide for the planet’s precious rainforests, visit their giving page to see the many cryptocurrencies they accept.

The Giving Block helps nonprofit organizations fundraise cryptocurrency, stock and DAF grants. Explore the growing list of crypto-friendly charities.

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