Cherish Uganda
Cherish Uganda
Mission Statement
Cherish Uganda is a faith-based organization that focuses on creating a hope and a future for children and families with HIV/AIDS. With a holistic approach of encouraging families and setting them up for success, we serve the community through 3 programs: Cherish Life Skills (A Vocational Schooling Program), Cherish Health Center and a Family Strengthening program. Cherish invests in the community by heavily investing in the staff that serves the community directly through spiritual development, trainings, and discipleship.Â
Why Donate to Cherish Uganda?
Your support can change the story of HIV into a story of hope!Â
Learn More
TAX ID: 27-1976622 • 501(c)3 • USA
Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.